
The Good Ole Days

Comments (1)
  1. Interesting article and totally agree, with older bikes still being good if not great and if you buy a blown up 250f/450f on caiggslist and use the parts forks shocks brakes etc on an older bike it’s even better.

    But if you look at mini bikes, here some links to recent vids st EMX level it’s a sea of KTM then Husky and a few Yamaha’s.


    The Japanese and Kudos to Yamaha for awakening and building an all new 65, is it enough and is it too late, Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki have missed the boat some what and they’re future imo is at risk, he cost of ownership of 250fs and 450s is so high, so much of the market formregualr riders who don’t race want fun and low cost has turned to restoring older 2strokes to the pojtnits now getting hard to buy find these bikes and they’re is a huge VMX resortstion scene, clubs, the real money for the big four ajapanese companies is leaking live a busted dam, while KTM esspecially Beta, Sherco, GasGas esp on the Enduro side are cleaning up yeah on year with increased sales esp in 2ts that are top technology easy to ride, the biggest issue with the Euro bikes is like the MX Jap bikes the new cost is getting insane, even Yamaha is over charging or is over priced for the 125/250 YZ that has basic updates since 2005.

    But look at the juniors world wide and it’s KTM, go to any Enduro it’s KTM, KTM, KTM, Hard Neduro has exploded at all levels becuase it’s not elitist a regular joe could be in the same race event as Johnny Walker or Graham Jarvis, they could meet and chat during liaison stages, that’s cool and bikes are not predjuiced against by a self serving and visionless body, they are about the roots of the sport, MX is dying unless you are rich and that’s a very small market.

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