Keefer Kuestions, essentially the Santa Clause of Moto-answers.
Hey I listened to the boot podcast and there was one element that wasn’t covered and maybe I’m just a freak of nature but I’m a short guy 5’5 on a good day but wear a size 10 so kids boots are out haha but boot height is a big deal for me and knowing what ones might hit me in the back of the knee is real nice! I’ve had good luck with Alpinestars boots but considering the new fox 180, is the 180 taller then a tech 7? -Jason
Good point! Thank you for the attentiveness. I like this with my listeners!
I just measured for you and the 180 boot is 2mm shorter in height, so if you like the Tech 10’s than you should be good to go with the 180’s.
Thanks for the message..
So I look at your reviews as the most honest and straight forward reviews more than anyone else. I think a lot of companies like to twist somethings around due to magazine sponsors and politics. So in saying that, MXA did this review on the single side exhaust for the 2018 Honda CRF450R ( I’m sure you’ve probably read it, but just in case I thought Id put the link. Being a long time Honda fanatic, my opinion on it is when Honda came out with this all brand new bike, they were pretty much on the edge of being the worst bike from 13-16. So it’s hard for me to believe that they would keep the dual pipes on there to lose performance. Yes, they have to meet emissions and also accommodate to the regular weekend rider, but they know that the racers are their main target. I’m no bike designer and definitely don’t have the ability to be one, this is just all strictly things I hear/read within the industry. Putting that much T&D into a bike to beat the best, if they thought making it a single pipe was gonna make them the number 1 bike, I think they would’ve made the change. That their main focus is the weight placement and balance of the bike. So anyway, my question to you is what is your opinion? Do you agree with MXA or due you think switching to the single hurts the bike just as much as it helps it?
Look forward to hearing back.
Thank you, Phillip
First off, thank you for the compliment and the trust in me to give you feedback. To answer your question about advertising dollars and product reviews, the answer is yes, those two meet at times in the magazine world! I was a part of it and didn’t like that side of the business, but I understood it from the publisher’s standpoint. Ethically as a test rider, I do not condone this and that is why I created Keefer Inc.Testing. I wanted to keep sales and testing separate. I will never take advertising dollars from any manufacturer and keep my business model as transparent as I can. There are some corrupt people that make judgements based on advertising dollars in our industry. That being said I can’t speak for MXA as I do like some of the stuff they do at times, but to me there is not enough information to this FMF test. I agree that the single FMF design is good and that it does rev quicker through the RPM range, but to me it makes the power fall off sooner up on top end/over-rev. I don’t care what the dyno charts and numbers say as the dyno is a tool for the engineers to help with direction. Riders are human dynos and only the rider can give the correct information to decipher if one part is better or worse on the track. The single FMF design does help the bottom to mid range and if you want some more power down there then by all means this is a great muffler system for that and you should purchase this.
Honda makes a dual muffler system because they believe in mass centralization. Honda doesn’t have engineers that come up with these off the wall ideas in Japan and not be able to back them up in testing! There are countless testing hours that go into making a decision like this. Several test riders would have to give the green light on this design on the track before it even went into production. Honda engineers are smarter than MXA editors, their testers and myself included. I can guarantee you that Honda had a bike with a single sided muffler, one with a dual system during testing and the testers picked the dual muffler design. It probably wasn’t a huge difference, but production testers are finicky and can feel what most other can’t.
Thanks for writing in and hope this helps somewhat.
Happy Holidays,
My wife just surprised me with a BFN (brand fucking new) 2018 CRF 450r. I have a few questions for you.
1 What do you suggest for break in procedure?
2 What is your suggestion for fuel? I plan to keep bike stock for a while…
3 What do you recommend for suspension settings? I’m 37, 200lbs and like to have fun mainly on motocross tracks.
Thank you in advance for your answers! Keep on kicking ass with what your doing!
Josh Brown #813
EFFFFFFF YESSSSSSS! She is a keeper!
Break in: Ride 15 minutes at 60%, let cool down. Repeat twice. Last thing is to ride her at 80% and shift through all gears and cool down. Then RIP!
Fuel: VP T4E or Pump
Height- 3mm up in clamp
Compression- plus 2 (stiffer)
Rebound- minus 1 (slower)
Sag- 107mm
HS Comp 1/4 turn in (stiffer)
LS Comp- Plus 2 (stiffer)
Rebound- Minus 1-2 (slower)
Use Map 1 on most tracks. Map 3 is good for sandy type tracks.
Thanks for the great 250F shootout this year. Especially pulling in a couple female testers.
I bought my daughter a 2017 YZ250F and looking at exhaust for the bike. I was wondering if you have any experience with or know of any feedback on which pipe would be good for the bike? I am looking at shaving some weight to help her out plus I hate the sound of the stock 250 muffler. So I thought an aftermarket Ti slip-on or full system would be a great way to go.
She races motocross pretty regularly and with the boys, she is a D rider that may be able to get to the C class soon. She likes the low end pull of the Yamaha, so I want a pipe that keeps at least close to the stock low end grunt but has a little more over rev.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Thanks Jeff!
The FMF full 4.1 system or DR.D system keeps that great throttle response and bottom end of the YZ250F and increases the mid-top end power. I would look into one of those!
Have fun!
Hey Kris,
I’d like to start of by saying I really enjoy the content you produce and listening to you and Steve makes me want to ride more and more. Now to my question, what do you recommend for a backpack to wear while trail riding? I am looking for something that I can throw a few tools in and a couple of quarts of water in bottles. (I’m not a huge fan of water bladders)
Thank you for your time and if you’re ever in Arizona i’d love to buy you a sandwich,
Johnny Waldmann
Hey Johnny,
The majority of riding that Keefer Inc’s. test rider Michael Allen does is off-road and he has used many packs over the years. His main advice is to steer towards a company that specializes in riding packs (Klim, USWE, etc). He has been using the USWE packs lately and is super impressed with the quality and functionality of all their products. They have a lot of different hydration packs varying in size and storage options. I understand you don’t like bladders, but if I were you I’d still stick to a hydration style pack and just not use the bladder. The way the shoulder straps click together over the chest like an X is fantastic and the shoulder straps never slide off your shoulders, not to mention the padding is super comfortable. Here is a link to the review he did on a USWE pack. If you have any further questions or any off-road related questions in the future feel free to reach out to me. Have a great night!
Dear Mr Keefer,
I have been a huge fan of yours for as long as I can remember. When I found out you had your own podcast I was overcome with joy. I am 25 and 185lbs and ride a crf450r and am a novice to intermediate At best. I just finished listening to your podcast about living with the Kx85 and am as excited to listen to this as I am any other podcast. I have made several purchases after listening to your recommendations and product shootouts. Your podcasts are filled with so much knowledge and are great and are bringing me so much joy that it’s helping me fall In love with the sport all over again. I am in the military and unfortunately tore my ACL and Meniscus and am scheduled to have surgery this week. I will be out of training for several months and that’s not what even upsets me. I am absolutely dying to get back riding. I listen to your podcast to and from work everyday and have heard some of them multiple times. I live on the east coast in CT am super pumped that you will be doing shootouts over here on our side of the country. I honestly don’t know why I even started sending you this email and have been rambling on and on and I want to let you know I appreciate what you do for the moto community. You and your family is what’s right with the sport. You set a great example and it shows. I’m not even sure if you will even read this email but if you do. Keep up the awesome work. Hope to meet you and ride with you someday.
PS. My wife was never a moto girl but even she likes to listen to your podcast when in the car. Your content is great.
Andrew Szymaniak
Thank you for the kind words. I sincerely appreciate that. I love our sport and just like you, love to involve my family in it as well.
I want to personally thank you for serving for our country and hope one day when I get back there we can ride together. In the mean time get that surgery, heal up and keep looking forward to shredding that bike soon! Don’t rush it trying to come back too soon as that will not be good. Trust me! I have done this!
Send me your address and I will have Mrs. Keefer send you a care package to get you through while you are on the mend! Thanks for listening!! Heal up!
Hey Keefer
Thanks for the reply on Twitter. I’m looking for new gear but don’t know what to get. I’m a larger and shorter guy I’m 230 and am 5’8 yes I know I’m a chode . I’ve always worn Thor gear I recently tried canvas gear that someone let me borrow it fit perfect. Do you know anything about that brand? Maybe other recommendations. I gained a lot of weight over the last two years but still continue to ride either trail or track 1-2 times a week. Also thoughts on the 100% higher end goggle? Is it worth it?
Thanks.. -Nathan
As far as gear I don’t know much about Canvas as it is tough for me to get gear from Leib as he is prepping for SX.
My first pick would be a set of Fly Lite Hydrogen gear! Lightweight, durable and fits is great with the BOA reel on the back of pant! Excellent gear and company.
I don’t prefer the 100% goggles because the frame is too flimsy for me and pinches my big nose. This is just my personal opinion, but some people like them a lot.
Scott Prospect is a great goggle (wide peripheral) and if you want to spend the money the Oakley Airbrake is the best I have ridden with. I purchase mine and DO NOT get them for free. They have great foam and a wide peripheral! They are expensive at $160.00 so that onset fit everyone’s budget.
EKS brand is also a great low cost goggle, but has very good foam and excellent colors. Those would be my choices..
Hope this helps and send me a photo of you repping your new gear when you get it!