
Pay The Man! Contingency and What it’s all About

Comments (5)
  1. Most of the contingency racers are Amateurs, and your program payouts do not reflect a lot of what Am racers would actually receive. Why not do an article covering all the brands and what they payout to local riders. Huge difference here. Suzuki will pay $150 as compared to Yamaha paying $25. Look it up. Suzuki will pay for two classes, Honda only covers one.

  2. Great article and thanks for using our rider Jean Ramos in one of the photos.. the privateer life is a tough life … I am the team manager /owner/everything else for jean. I was a privateer back in the 90s and am now helping others get a chance like I did.. follow our journey to all the westcoast Supercross races
    Look up Wkpoolracing and jean Ramos
    Travis gage

  3. That’s a great breakdown. You should show those privateers! I wonder if any of them would change their bikes based on this? Although, many of them get parts, bikes etc. so they go with what’ll cost them the least. Good article guys

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