Classic Steel

MX Captured #52: The 1987 Unadilla Motocross Des Nations

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Keefer Kuestions 3-23-18
Comments (6)
  1. I travelled down from Toronto, Canada to watch this race. The weather truly was atrocious!!!! But what a race. I was at Screw U when Hannah had to make those multiple attempts to get up it. That poor RM was getting its heart wrung out!!! He was so determined and focused. Sad to hear Unadilla is not the incredible track that it was back then. I’ll have to dig out my slides I shot that weekend. How Fran Kuhn got the shots he did I don’t know as it was so wet, and so dark!!!

    1. I would love to see the pictures you have Matt, the race doesn’t have enough public documentation and all of us guys that were there are getting old!

  2. I was there that year, one of the more memorable races I have ever been to, sad to say I didn’t take any photos so it’s always great to see an article of the event.
    A buddy of mine and I rode out from Illinois on street bikes to see the race, I knew it would be treacherous when we arrived! I was really concerned for a while that we might lose at home, because I figured the conditions favored the Euro’s. I was relieved when the double moto wins of the 2nd race came in!

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane Tony!

  3. Thanks for the bringing back the memories!
    Quite a few years have past, but I remember it well.
    The MX of Nations is the most important event for me.
    I am going with my son, to Red Bud 2022 to once again watch the best riders represent their countries.
    Go Team USA!

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