As any listener to the Pulpmx Show knows, Ken Roczen promised us a win jersey for the studio when his agent Steve Astephen was in and noticed we didn’t have any #94 ones up. Way cool for Kenny to do this and he sent me this photo of him with the Atlanta main event jersey and it’s on the way here.
One problem though…my wall is full up, I don’t have any more frames which means one treasured jersey up there has to come down. I can’t make a choice, it’s like deciding what puppy to give up- so it’s up to you people to decide!
Read the descriptions, think about it long and hard and then vote below:
Roczen’s Atlanta SX win jersey on it’s way here to the studio!
Below are the jerseys we have now and a little explanation as to why it means so much to me to be hanging up in the studio. After you read this scroll back up to the poll and help me choose!
I mean, a one of a kind (well I’m sure Fly printed a bunch but not that many right?) Zach Osborne MXDN jersey signed to me? Can’t vote that one out, it’s pretty rare and cool. I worked for Kelly Smith for 2 years when he was #41 and then #35, I don’t actually have a #41 jersey which is weird but he signed this one to me and it has meaning to me. Not a star of the sport but again, a significant time in my life.Same as the Smith one above, this was 2002 when I worked for Nick Wey, a personalized inscription to me “Thanks for driving all those miles and the epic times in Blossom Time garage” which is the street where our “race shop” was. This can’t be voted off right?Ron Lechien, one of my favorite riders ever, didn’t give me this 1992 #100 TUF Racing comeback jersey when he rode the 500 nationals but I did get it from Doug from Bridgestone and then sent to Ronnie which he calls me his “buddy” and that’s rad. Please don’t vote this 100% cotton, heavy ass jersey off the wall!Oh look, the first Ferry jersey on the wall! This one was given to me by Eddie Ray who got it from Timmy in, I think, 1994? I don’t know but it’s early Red Dog, it’s UFO (which is rare and ugly) and it’s awesome.I always liked Seb Tortelli but wasn’t a fan of his per se but this Thor jersey was always WAY cool because it’s like a hockey one with the letters and numbers sewn on. Very unique, very iconic and Seb looked good in this of course!Got this Windham one after he retired, Randy Valade at Answer/MSR got it signed for me so I never actually had any interaction with KW to get this jersey. I just wanted a Windham jersey and who knows if KW even knew it was for me or not or was just told to sign “To Steve”…either way, it’s awesome.Another Ferry jersey but this time one from 2005 when I worked for him and personally signed “To a decent mechanic but a very good buddy” which was an inside joke we had with us. He also wrote “4X mechanic” which signified I worked for him for four years. Memories abound with this jersey and yes, I have a few of these #15’s as well as a #20 jersey from 1999.Budds Creek MXDN Ferry jersey, not from the race itself but just a spare one O’Neal made for some people that the Ferry’s were close to. “To Steve & Angie, thanks for all your support and Steve, thanks for being the best man-friend ever” LOL..this is a cool jersey..don’t vote for this one please.Yeah, a Emig #1 Shift jersey! This actually isn’t mine, Jeff gave it to Pookie at some point years ago and I got him to sign it afterwards. I mean, it’s Jeff Emig at his peak and the signature is cool. I like this jersey.Keefer dug this up for me years ago, one of his race jerseys from back in the day. Acerbis! He’s a big part of the show and I would hate to have to take it down people! We might have a problem if you guys vote this AC rookie jersey off the wall. It’s pretty rare, he didn’t race a lot this summer with this number. i had to remind him 43 times this year that I needed one and I think at the last national he finally came through. I like to collect jerseys that are rare and this fits the bill.This is not good looking Fly gear but I made sure to get one from JT in his final year of racing. It says “To Matthes, you’re janky!” which is so sweet. Again, like Keefer, JT is a big part of the show and you people wouldn’t, couldn’t vote him off could you?When Answer came out with the Dymond inspired retro gear for the Anaheim 2009 race, it was rad. I had to get a Stew jersey and Roger Larsen, then of Answer (sorry, ANSR or whatever it was called) came through with this jersey for me. It’s signed but I never spoke to James about this or saw him sign it (I heard Big James did some of the signing for JS7 back then) so it’s not a personal thing to have this but it’s a cool jersey, worn for one or two races (rare!) and it’s fucking Stew. It’s NOT coming down people!I grabbed this from the Yamaha truck back in the day when we were cleaning out rider lockers and had it for years. Just got CR to sign it last year when he came over for the show. Super rare race jersey from 2004 with ten numberplates on for race wins. Gotta leave this up people! And yes, it’s right beside the Stew one.Ross “Rollerball” Pederson was my childhood hero growing up and I was stoked to get a jersey of his from a listener. Here’s the thing though, I’m not sure it’s really a race jersey or just a promo jersey with his name and number ironed on. Ross was a big dude, this jersey is small, there’s nothing on it other than name and number (that’s crooked by the way) and it’s so retro. Still it’s Rollerball man! Right under the Rollerball one is one of his arch-rival and legend himself, Jim Holley. This is one of Jim’s race jerseys from 1984. It’s signed “I know Rollerball saw a lot of this #24. I know he is your #1 but maybe I can be your #2”. Jimmy’s awesome and this is rare and cool. Please don’t do it…
This is Alex Ray’s jersey from Washougal a few years ago when I sponsored him with flight, hotel and entry fee. The only requirement I had was I wanted my face on the jersey. So O’Neal made it happen and this is awesome. A Ray crashed a lot that day (shocker) but we had fun! This jersey is all stained from getting roosted all day, poor A Ray.