When I write these articles I am careful about what I inform you all on. I want mods that the average rider can feel, not just my sensitive ass. With that being said, if you’re reading this and you’re happy with your Yamaha the way it is, continue to live your life and don’t worry about these mods. I hate it when I write these articles and then some smart ass goes, “oh so I just spent 10k on a new Yamaha and now I need to spend 2k more”? No, you don’t kind sir! These are suggestions on mods that work IF you want to spend some money on your bike. These are the same mods I use on the Yamaha I race so I wanted share what you can do to yours. Obviously the prices aren’t included so these mods aren’t based on price. These mods are here because they work and you’ll be able to feel each on the track.
FCP Race Cups:
So what do these races feel like on the track? The YZ450F will feel a little more front end steering heavy when cornering. I donât want this to be confused with a heavy feeling bike in general, but the steering will feel like it is a little firmer to turn. You will not feel this on the stand by just simply turning the handlebars but you will notice that when entering ruts or flat corners that the front tire has a little more weight feel to it under lean. The Yamaha now has a little more front tire contact feel under lean (which is odd considering the rake is out further than stock). That newfound contact feel makes the front end feel a little heavier, which to me is a good thing in order to keep the YZ450F more planted under lean (on or off throttle).
I also have less movement (deflection) through the bars when chopping the throttle when the tracks have long rough straights. The stock (22mm offset) YZ450F gives me a little headshake when transition from on throttle to off throttle, which can cause an uneasy feeling for a rider when trying to set up for corners. The FCP Race Cups makes that transition much easier and friendlier to the rider. I get less head shake and the YZ450F feels more planted to the ground when straight or under lean (on or off throttle).
These one-third of a degree (20 minutes) offset races do make the 23/24/25 YZ450F corner a little slower but that is what I was looking for. I was looking for a slightly slower turning YZ450F and more stable machine on fast rough tracks or longer ruts with bumps inside of them. I get more bump comfort because I get less of a twitchy feel when off throttle. I have tested my 2024 YZ450F (with 2025 linkage) with FCP Race Cups against my stock 2025 YZ450F and my 2024 machine with FCP Races is much calmer and easier to ride. To me this is a good investment for Yamaha owners.
Matthes Note: I’ve got these in my bike, I liked the fact that I didn’t notice any inability to get to the inside rut in a turn and I def noticed more stability with the cups. And motor mounts from FCP are popular add-on’s also! Use code pulpmx-chassis to save with FCP.
23.5mm Ride Engineering Split Clamps:
If youâre more of a triple clamp guy than an offset races type of rider, the next best thing is the Ride Engineering 23.5mm offset clamps. Now the FCP Race Cups arenât intended to change fork offset like the Ride Engineering 23.5mm clamps, instead they work together with different offsets to increase tuning options. To me I feel like there is a larger front tire contact patch feel (compared to stock clamps) when deciding to make sudden line changes or if a rut gets a hook in it.
I feel like the YZ450F is more balanced when loading the fork with the Ride 23.5mm clamps in these situations with the fork height at 3mm. I feel like the fork doesnât dive as much with the Ride clamps yet I have more front end traction under lean in area 1 and 3 of corners. Off throttle coming into corners the YZ450F doesnât get that fast twitch/headshake feel nearly as much and the positivity of the front end from on/off throttle gives the 2023-2025 chassis more balance. If you run the Ride Engineering 23.5mm offset split triple clamps you can expect more front end feel as well as less rigidity from this clamp compared to an X-Trig as well. The increase in rigidity is only minimal compared to stock and I personally loved the feel of the Yamaha once these were installed.
Matthes Note: We’ve got a deal with Luxon clamps with the show, I put them on and they look sweet, the bar mounts are also much improved over stock but they add some stiffness. Use the code Pulp2024 to save with Luxon guys but also, RE makes great stuff also so up to you guys.
Aftermarket Muffler:
The stock Yamaha muffler is really good, in fact maybe too good! It produces the most low-mid horsepower on the dyne when comparing Pro Circuit, Akrapovic, FMF, Yoshimura, but I am not looking for MORE power! I am looking for a smoother delivery of power. I am not Phil Nicoletti here. We are racers the want to last our 20 minute motos on this blue beast. The FMF and Akrapovic mufflers are the best when it comes to delivering a smoother roll on with a wider mid to top end pulling power. The FMF has slightly more low end hit than the Akrapovic but the Akra spreads its power out further on top. Either one of these mufflers will improve the on/off feel the stock Yamaha muffler has. Even with the smoothest Yamaha Power Tuner setting, you still get an on/off feel through corners that can hurt your roll speed. Usually I am not one for saying you NEED an aftermarket muffler on a 450, but these two mufflers help the blue beast become more ridable for us normal folk.
Vortex ECU:
This is a steep one, but makes a huge difference. I am not saying that EVERYONE needs a Vortex ECU to rid a Yamaha YZ450F. I know the Yamaha Power Tuner is one of the best at having a wide enough parameter that the consumer can feel the difference but that parameter is ten fold when it comes to a Vortex. Having more rear wheel connection and even a broader power feel makes the new Yamaha YZ450F feel like a different bike compared to a stock unit. I have worked on maps with Twisted Development as well as XPR and both have made huge strides in making the Yamaha more KTM like for me to ride. What is âKTM likeâ?
It is a power that allows you to twist the throttle hard without wheeling and allowing maximum rear wheel connection to your throttle hand. The KTM is one of the best in stock form in doing this and the Yamaha could learn a thing or two about the engine character of the KTM. The Yamaha is really exciting down low and gives the rider that FUN FACTOR, but making it around the track for 20-30 minutes at maximum pace is hard to deal with on the bLU cRU. Unless youâre 250 pounds and/or riding deep sand the stock power delivery is A LOT. The latest Vortex ECU setting that I created with Chad at XPR has allowed me to ride the Yamaha harder and be able to get on the gas sooner without wheeling all over the place. My clutch has since thanked me.
GYTR Hydraulic Clutch:
If you have made it this far into the article you know that the YZ450F comes on with authority on low-end and is so strong that most of us need this thing detuned a bit. Because of the strong hit, the clutch is used even more than normal on the YZ450F, as I try to modulate the power and harness the beast that is the Yamaha I am frying clutch plated in 8-10 hours. Yes, the new 2025 YZ450F inner clutch hub has helped reliability a little, but it still doesnât last like a KTM clutch.
With the cable clutch, I was constantly having to adjust play at the lever to compensate for how hot the clutch was getting. Plus, the cable-actuated engagement window is not that wide. It gives a very on-off feel, similar to the Yamaha power, which makes it harder to be precise with rolling on the throttle hard. Once I installed the GYTR hydraulic clutch kit, I found the window of engagement to be broader and more forgiving under throttle. I didnât have to worry about adjusting clutch play and I didnât have to be as precise when fanning the clutch. It calmed down the initial hit (0-10% throttle opening) and gave me better feel around the track.
I am still not completely sold on the hydraulic clutch for starts however as it is harder to modulate my throttle opening when at the gate. So if I am not racing, I like the hydraulic clutch better but if I am racing, I still prefer the cable and will deal with the engagement of the cable feel. If you came off of a hydraulic clutch machine and onto a Yamaha, this Brembo/GYTR system could be the right fit for you.
Common Questions I Get Asked?
Is the 2025 YZ450F That Much Better Than The 2024?
No. If it saves you a couple thousand dollars, go with a 2024 YZ450F and purchase some FCP Race Cups, FCP Engine Mounts (or stock 2025 front engine mounts) and live happy. Yes, the linkage helps a little on acceleration (anti squat) but it does feel firmer on hard pack tracks off throttle (on the rear of the bike).
Can I Put 2025 Parts On My 2024 or 2023?
Yes! See this article⌠https://pulpmx.com/2024/08/12/six-things-about-the-2025-yamaha-yz450f/
Do I Need All Of This Shit?
No, of course you donât. You can tell me to pound sand and you donât NEED any of this. Thatâs fine and youâre not wrong. However, these mods will make a better handling, easier to ride YZ450F. That is not up for debate.
Do I Need Both FCP Races And 23.5mm Offset Clamps?
No. Pick one and go with it! If you want some bling, go with clamps, if you want to be a little incognito with stock clamps, go with FCP Races. The clamps will give you a slightly firmer bump touch but have more stability than the FCP Races, but the FCP Races with stock clamps will have more comfort with not quite as much stability on straight line.