Pre knee injury I didn’t really watch any moto vlogs as I was busy enough with riding, typing, talking, etc., but since I can’t ride yet, I wanted to get my fix in somehow and moto vlogs seemed like a good way to get that. After viewing a crap ton of vlogs the past few weeks, I thought I would put my top five favorites to watch and give you some background on why these are good to me. Most of you enthusiasts probably are familiar with these, but if you haven’t, check these out! VLOG LYYYYYFE!
1. Adam Cianciarulo: It’s pretty easy to like Adam Cianciarulo as he is well spoken and genuinely speaks his mind, which is something that most fans want out of riders. AC had a vlog series last year and then kind of went radio silent for a while, but his new vlog that follows him around the outdoor series is fun. You get a behind the scenes look at what goes down inside the motorhome, which is usually off limits to cameras and viewers most of the time. I also like that you get to know other key people that’s a part of AC’s program. I knew nothing about his mechanic Justin Shantie and quite frankly never had a really an interaction with the Kawasaki factory team, but after watching AC’s vlog I thought he was funny and kept it light around AC, which to a rider can be huge. Another thing you will get to see out of AC’s vlog is how AC stacks the day with his coach Nick Wey and the interaction both of these guys have. It’s nice to get a look at a rider’s day without them giving us fans the generic stuff we already know. I seem to learn something every time I watch an AC vlog. Good work to the guy behind the camera on picking up quality entertaining content.
2. Freddie Noren: I hate to admit this, but I was skeptical at first about watching Freddie’s vlogs, thinking it wouldn’t be that fun (to me). Call me crazy but I just didn’t think they would be that great. I view Freddy as a more reserved type of guy, so watching his vlog didn’t seem that appealing to me, or so I thought! I was wrong! What I did know about Freddie is that he is a great dude and has some quality people that help his program. That right there can make for a great vlog and honestly (as well as to my surprise) it has been one of my favorites to watch. I know Chris Cole a little bit just from being around t he Southern California moto scene and Chris has always been one of the nicest guys I interact with when at the local tracks. Chris owns and operates a construction equipment rental business and has been helping Freddie out a lot in 2021. I like the editing that the Noren vlog has as it seems very professional and easy to follow. You get a behind the scenes look at Freddie’s training at Club MX, which to me is intriguing because I have always wanted to ride at some of these facilities back east. I also enjoy that Freddie gives you a look inside his machine so that will satisfy the techy dirt bike nerds like myself as well as give you an inside look on what it’s like to be a privateer traveling to the outdoors in 2021. Here is a link to the Supercross vlogs. To get his outdoor vlogs you must watch through MXA’s Youtube.
3. Alex Martin: Troll Train hasn’t put up a vlog lately, but watching his Supercross as well as his outdoor prep really gives you a look on how fun loving this little troll guy is. I mean you just can’t help but like Alex because he never has that resting dick face (RDF)! EVER! I mean I have watched some of his tough times through his vlog and he still looks like a cuddly little panda when he’s talking. I will say it again, how can you not like this guy? Bryar Perry which owns/operates 180 graphics is the man behind the Troll Train vlogs and having a relationship like these two have, makes for a fun listen/watch. I like that Bryar can talk shit to Alex and that right there makes it fun to watch the banter. It kind of reminds me of my buddies and I just poking fun at each other, which most dudes can relate to. You also get plenty of behind the scenes training, which is one of my favorite things to watch in a vlog because you now can get a sense of what goes on during the week, before the race. To me some of the race day footage on some of these vlogs are just boring. Some fans may not know how hard it is to be a professional motocross rider, so getting to see the daily grind of a troll really puts it into perspective! One of the best clips of the Troll Train Vlog is when Alex is home after his big concussion in Supercross and he wants to take more CBD because he says it’s good for the brain! Trust me, it’s funny!
4. Craig Family: This vlog is great if you’re into the family aspect of racing and what it takes to do it with a family. I am a big family guy myself and love to have mine around me at the races, so this vlog really hits home for me. I like that Paige is passionate about Christian’s racing and you can see that through the vlog. If you’re woman that has a husband/boyfriend that races you will be able to see how Paige interacts with her husband (at the race) and the emotions that come with doing this sport (ups and downs). I also like that you can see that Paige wants to curse but she refrains. It’s ok Paige, let it fly! My wife is a nervous wreck when Aden and I race so seeing Paige go through similar emotions can actually help us men understand more what the woman goes through. I don’t get as much of CC riding as I would like in these videos, but you will be able to see the complete family dynamic and get to watch little Lennon and Jagger grow up before your eyes.
5. Tommy Searle: I didn’t know much about Tommy besides his run that he had here in America before I started watching his vlogs, but getting to know the Brit through the lens of his pal is entertaining. This vlog has a mix of Troll Train and AC mixed into one. I like that he brings in other cast of characters like Billy Bolt and Sam Pilgrim to come and play as well as how one does the professional racing life over the age of 30! Tommy’s vlogs are entertaining, he swears (which I love), has quality content, and speaks well for an old bloke. I am huge fan of MXGP and watching the videos of Searle attack the British Championship gives me those same vibes. This may be one of the better vlogs that some of you Americans may not know about!
Honorable Mentions:
A Ray: There is not a lot of meat in A-Ray vlogs, but these are fun looks at the friendly Tennessee rider. Hey Alex, or whoever edits these, can we get more in depth on these please?!
Swap Moto: If you’re a mountain bike guy who likes to ride moto then you will like Donn’s weekly vlogs he does. Most of his vlogs are mountain biking, but there is some fun track banter back and forth between him and his buddies. If you do not live in California and wonder what it’s like at the practice tracks during the week over here, then watch these vlogs.
Jeff Walker: This is one of my son’s favorite vlogs to watch. Jeff Walker actually gives you a lot of different looks through the eyes of a privateer. This vlog takes you to the practice tracks, gives you insight on his race machine, behind the scenes on race day, he even evaluates some products and gives you his opinion on them. I have only watched a couple of these, but thought they were pretty good.