Two brothers is ALWAYS better than one, especially when you are talking about life on the road together!
Two brothers is ALWAYS better than one, especially when you are talking about life on the road together!
Photos by: Cudby
Lakewood is on my bucket list to go to, the track looks great for spectating (the opposite of what I’m used to at Washougal), there are a ton of breweries in Colorado (I’d love to taste the Rockies), and of course Shorty grew up there, so it just seems fitting. I still kick myself for not going to the MXDN at Lakewood, what was I thinking?? I did ride in Colorado a couple times passing through on our way to Ponca and Loretta’s, the bike always felt so slow; it was like everything was moving in slow motion. What does this have to do with Shortcomings? Nothing, apparently I was just feeling nostalgic.
That’s some clear vision right there you can look right into Jimmy’s eyes and soul.
Top Jimmy Albertson is having a rough start to the season. It was a game time decision whether or not the Crossland-Motosport semi truck was going to do the national circuit. It ultimately came down to money, and I can’t imagine what it costs to have a semi truck go to all the rounds. They parked the semi for the summer, and Jimmy and his brother/mechanic Gregg loaded up his recently purchased Sprinter van and hit the road. I love the stories from the road because they are a lot like drinking stories. In the moment, maybe not funny, but looking back you can’t not laugh about the adventures and memories.
To summarize the outdoor season thus far for the Albertsons, Jimmy has struggled a bit and his Sprinter van blew an engine. Everyone likes Top Jimmy and he could use a bit of help right now, so if you have the means, kick the guy a little coin over at (Just click the donate button). Top Jimmy eluded me for some time he was the one elusive interview I could never finish, but just like my wife, he eventually gave in to my persistence and now he responds to me 50% of the time, 100% of the time. Jimmy’s brother Gregg and I speak the universal language of beer, so we bonded immediately and a friendship has blossomed. I got two Albertsons for the price of one this week, enjoy!
Somehow at Seattle SX we ended up in the Crosslands Suite to watch the race, thanks for all the free beer guys.
Thanks for reading, please email jasonw@racerxill.comwith any compliments and complaints, he is also happy to provide you with the TV schedule for when the race will be aired in your area.