Lamay gives us a glimpse of his life you may have never seen before.
Lamay gives us a glimpse of his life you may have never seen before.
Do you ever wonder what it would be like to text a professional rider anything you wanted? Well, somehow I manage to get in touch with a lot of these guys and we do the basic phone interview. Well, I changed it up! This new feature will show you a different perspective of your favorite riders. I’ll come up with random, stupid, or insightul questions to ask these guys and then we’ll text back and forth for a little bit each day. It’s like hanging out with them on the tailgate of a pick-up truck, except it’s a phone in my hand…
Photos: Courtesy of Lamay and
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Lamay (right) clebrates second overall at the Baltimore Arenacross. |
Pulpmx: Hey man, I’m doing an Arenacross update for Pulpmx. Can you text me an update on how your season is going? You can get as in depth as you want. I’m doing this over text to give you a different platform. We’ll see how this works out!
Lamay: Yeah, for sure. Who is this?
If you had a favorite media guy, who would that be? Choose wisely…
Lol. I’m going to guess Troy?
You remembered my name and everything. I beat Weigandt!
Lol, I kind of recognized the number. I need to save this stuff.
You’re damn right you do…
I got a heat race win and a second overall, but other than that it’s been up and down. Going into the season I never raced a 250 in SX or AX, so I wanted to gain as much experience as I could before the championship started. We’ve got the bike working good now after some changes, just in time to gain momentum for the championship. AX is all about being a boss on the track. I’m 6’2’’ and 195lbs on a 250. I will use my weight to my advantage and push dudes around if I need to.
You’re one of the only guys to get back to me. Do you want to just freestyle about random stuff? Answer me whenever you get the chance. Who is your favorite person to race against? All-time.
Ryan Villopoto because I’ve known him since he was on 85s and he taught me stuff.
If you had a choice would you rather keep your current height or would you rather be shorter when it comes to riding a 250?
I’d keep my height.
What is the coolest part about racing Amsoil Arenacross?
Being in the hunt to win the championship.
What’s the worst part about it?
It’s very tight and very hard to race.
I can imagine. What is your favorite pre-race meal?
Chicken, sweet potato, and a salad.
Can you name the last person you wanted to punch during a race and why?
Not really actually. I just save it for the streets to lay someone out. Hahaha.
I like that answer better actually. What’s the weirdest request that you’ve ever gotten from a fan? Did you do it?
About three years ago a girls asked me to sign her boobs. Yes, I did it and it was very weird. Lol
Did you lock down that number and/or did you have a girlfriend at the time? If so, how’d that go?
Lol. Yes, I had a girlfriend, she’s now my wife. It didn’t go over smoothly at the time, but I worked it out.
I didn’t even know you were married. Congratulations on that. Yeah, I can imagine she wasn’t pumped on that. I myself would have been murdered by my wife. What’s the best bike you’ve ridden in your career.
You can’t expect me to sit on my phone all day if I’m going to win. I’ve got to train!
What was it like being on the cool looking White Bros. Yamaha team as an amateur?
The White Bros. amateur team was awesome all-around. We had super fast bikes built by Tom Morgan. For an amateur setup back in 2007 and 2008 it was legit.
You had ads in the magazines and you made me want to ride one of those bikes back then. What is your five-year plan? Haha.The White Bros. amateur team was awesome all-around. We had super fast bikes built by Tom Morgan. For an amateur setup back in 2007 and 2008 it was legit.
Five years! Dude, that’s tough. I’ll be almost 30. I sure hope I have kids and my own business.
What will you have accomplished in the sport?
I’m going to get this AX championship this year and whatever cards I’m dealt with later on I will attack with everything I’ve got. I’ll do my best. Growing up my dad always told me that he didn’t care what place that I got as long as I tried my absolute hardest. As long as I left the track knowing that I rode my best and build off of the positives and fix the negatives.
Just seeing the posts you’ve put up on social media, it seems like your dad did anything and everything he could for you. I know we don’t really know one another that well, and I don’t want to overstep my boundaries here, but you are riding with a little more on your shoulders this season because of him.
Yeah, it’s all good man. He was a tough dude. He pushed me very hard as a kid, but I know a lot as a man now and it was all worth it growing up.
Going to build a corner track, see ya!
Happy Wednesday. Do you have an update for your article?
Hey dude, I’m just having some coffee at my house. I’m about to load up and hit the SX track.
What’s the pre-ride nutrition consist of and what is your eating schedule like during the day?
It’s either eggs and turkey bacon or oatmeal in the morning. Smoothies throughout the day, then chicken or fish and a salad for dinner. I’m trying to lose weight so I haven’t been eating a lot lately.
I’m the complete opposite. I just got a weight gainer to get more calories through the day. It’s lame bro. Do you like to do any other hobbies after training and riding? Please don’t say mountain biking…
Lol. Usually a typical day is pretty busy and there’s no time to go do stuff, but on off days we go ride my Harley around downtown. We stop at cool places like bowling, driving range, or go-carts. I like to build stuff in my garage. I like to be creative and use my hands. My dad was a racecar fabricator so I was always in the garage with him growing up. I would watch him build cars so I’m used to it.
That explains why you have no problem being rider/mechanic when you’re forced to be a privateer out of a van. What is it like being Jace Owen’s teammate? He’s a Rockstar sometimes. Do you have any good stories with him? You guys hang out together a lot, especially racing in Germany.
Yeah, I can either be rider or mechanic. I can tear down the engine, splitting the cases, rebuilding it from scratch is no problem. Jace is a cool dude. We hung out a lot in Germany and it’s fun to have a chill teammate here in arenacross. I don’t have any really good stories yet, but we’ve got a lot of traveling and racing to do.
Do you ride with him a lot? Next time you see him will you make him feel really bad about not texting me back? I’m on the Lamay bandwagon now bro!
Haha. I’ll tell him and no, I only see him on the weekends.
You’re shopping for an outdoor ride, yes?
Not really, I mean if I get a phone call for a good opportunity I would take it. As of now I’ll probably take the summer off and get a job haha.
No! Don’t do that! I know you have to make money, but man we’ve got to find you something. Have you gotten any calls yet?
Nobody calls me. I have something else in the works to race, but it’s not confirmed yet.
You wouldn’t tell me anyway.
Morning bro! It’s your last day to be bothered by me. What are the plans for today?
Thank God it’s the last day! Hahaha JK. I’m just pulling up to the track, doing some motos, and working with a kid today.
I know, I’m sure you’re over me by now. You train riders as well?
I like doing interviews like this it’s cool. I train kids too when I get time. I like working with young kids teaching them safety behind racing, correct technique, and how to go fast. It’s not just twisting the throttle like most people practice.
What’s the age cutoff? Can you train a 25 year old that lives in Ohio? For $10 a session…
$10 won’t get you much haha
Does it get me a Loretta’s title? We could go to the top on a small budget.
I could get you a Loretta Lynn’s title. Let’s do it. I only have two though, so I don’t know if you trust me lol.
You’d have to be here in Ohio so that may be a problem. Who did you beat for those two titles? That was the golden age of amateur motocross.
Tyler Bowers and I had a pretty good rivalry going.
It’s pretty cool that both of you guys are still relevant in the sport after all of these years. We will wrap this up pretty soon, but what is something that people don’t know about you?
I race dog sleds in the wintertime.
I only believe you because you’re from Alaska. How is your speed on those things?
They’re pretty fast as long as they eat their Wheaties in the morning.
Did you eat a box of RD Wheaties?
Actually I have not bought a box yet. Is that rude? Lol
No, because if you were on a Wheaties box with your dog sled I don’t think he would buy a box either. You beat him a lot as an amateur didn’t you?
Yeah, back in the day. Lol. Ryan wasn’t the best amateur on 85s. He was just another guy out there, but once he got on 125s and 250s he started beating everyone. Then he went pro and smoked everyone and now he’s at the top of the sport. Ryan is an awesome role model for a lot of riders.
I was the opposite. I was really good on little bikes and amateur big bikes. Once I went pro I just sucked. Lol. Now I’m just a nobody. Haha.
Do you honestly think you’re a nobody? Bro, not everyone can be a millionaire in this sport. Only like three people can. You’re still wicked fast and have made a nice career for yourself.
Lol. I try to keep myself humble and motivate myself to be better. I know I have made some good results. I’m just finished riding now.
This is too fun man. I want to ask the dumbest crap. What’s the best amateur national drama that you’ve ever witnessed?
Too much to list! Haha. Mini dads are nuts! I see dads out there yelling and screaming at their little guy all of the time. That is going to get you beside him and he’s not going to want to ride anymore. It’s not fun when pops is pissed off haha.
Give me your best one. Call people out. C’mon.
Any other things you want to tell people reading this?
How does my hair look? Haha. I appreciate you helping me out and getting me noticed. Follow me through the Amsoil Arenacross Series and cheer for the Alaskan Assassin.
I think the hair looks dope man. Are you really taking selfies right now on your dirt bike, or are those from earlier.
Right now.
Innovative. It’s snowing in Cincinnati.
No clouds here.
Rub it in bro. Thanks again for doing this. I’ll be in touch. Your fans are going to love you even more. Especially the one whose boobs you signed!
Hahaha its no problem man. Always happy to do an interview and give the fans a little more info on myself.
Thanks for taking the time to read my column. If you have a question for Ben you can email me at Email me about anything you want actually, I’ll always respond.