PulpMX Show Archive

Hampshire, Facciotti, Ward, Gauld and Newf Archive

Comments (2)
  1. Come on Steve. Your show is great. Guests are great. Industry connections and insight are great. Keefer & JT are amazing,… BUT… This show was ridiculously and unnecessarily full of filthy language. I want to be able to listen to the show around my wife and kids but the language was horrible. Just listen to the last hour of this show. In today’s world, some profanity seems to be normal but your Canadian guests today completely turn me off. They even rubbed off on you leading you to be more filthy than usual. I’m 47, been riding/racing for 43 years, wife and three kids ride (21, 19 & 17). I wear Fly gear, bleed Maxima and am getting pulled into some of your other sponsors (EKS & Asteriks) because of the quality of their spokes people.

    I’m not asking for a rated G show but the show needs to be more family friendly for me to continue to listen.

  2. Thanks for the email, our shows have always had profanity on them. I don’t think this one was more than some others we do. Sorry you felt that way, every show is organic and I’m never quite sure where it’s going to go. That’s why it works IMO. Sorry you didn’t like it- Steve

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