Keefer Tested

Ten Things About The 2024 Yamaha YZ250F (On Track)

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Project 90 YZ Finished!
Comments (2)
  1. Hey Keefer – I’ve been waiting to buy one of these forever it seems. Did Yamaha give you any better idea when these would be at the dealers?? Best I’ve heard is just a generic “sometime in October “

  2. Hey Chris my son is b level rider currently on the 24 yz 125 but he revs the crap out of this thing and has to ride super hard to keep up with the 4 strokes my questions is how much of a transition is it to go to the 24 250 4 stroke he’s ridden a few 4 strokes says they feel heavy and slow also since he is a rever would a 250 2 stroke be a good option or the 4 stroke

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