This past weekend in Una-f’ing-Dilla there was a retro theme and some teams and riders really did it up big-time. It was cool to see and in some way, was maybe a bit neater than the SX one a couple…
Electronic Ping Shots
I was up on Canada this weekend at the final round of the CMRC National in Walton Ontario and I brought this guy up with me. Here’s a few shots…
Tell Us Another Story, David Pingree
Ping-a-ling checks in with some thoughts on a couple of pictures I stole off Google images.
Eleven Minutes, Forty-Three Seconds with Justin Brayton
MDK KTM’s Justin Brayton might be one of the most underrated guys out there on the circuit today. The soft-spoken Iowan just seems to be getting better and better.
Ad of the Week.
Check out this awesome buy that Brett found in Nashville. If you have something you want to send in, it’s
Kyle Regal to Valli Yamaha and Jake Moss to Factory Kawi for rest of nationals.
Moss isn’t official yet but it will be very soon. Man, these guys are just being plugged in and out. Great to see!
A Crappy-Ass Moncton CDN National Photo Report
I went to Moncton on the weekend and all I got was these crappy shots..
Another Beauty from the Lens of Chris Hultner
Check this retro photo out, how many legends are in this picture?
Matt Georke to ride Factory Yamaha for rest of nationals.
Great for Matt "Beef" Georke and awesome that Yamaha is doing that!