ME (1:30:13 PM): whats going on with your season?
Blogservations from the Big Easy.
Yo, I’ll be attempting to blog today but might be too busy trying to get beads. See how that and the race goes here.
A Story About a Kitty B&E’ing.
So last night my wife and I are all comfy-like in our bed at 4AM. Well, we would be comfy if it wasn’t for our 80lb basset hound named Hank who likes to come into the sack around 1AM and…
A Day with Chad, Timmy, Michael, Jason and Travis.
For more on this story go to Go ahead. I’ll wait.
Reporters Reporting on Nothing.
There’s a dangerous trend in modern sports and our beloved supercross/motocross is not immune to this absolute waste of our time. I’m talking about the reporters that interview a coach, athlete or in our case, a rider on the podium.
A Weege Interview
This is a month old interview that Racer X didn’t use and Weege was happy about it. Unfortunately for him there’s a place for crap like this. It’s called!
“Because I Want to Beat the Yankees So Much…I Think”
This is a running diary of the 1983 500 USGP. Just because I’m weird like that.
A Forty Minute, Sixteen Second Conversation with James Stewart.
It just seemed like a good time to talk to Stewie. Grab some liquids and settle in.
A Forty-Two Minute,Thirty-Four Second Conversation with Travis Preston
The thing with Preston is that you can just talk to him like a normal person so I figured he’d be a good guy to call up and see what’s going on with him and besides, Ferry wouldn’t call me…