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Comments (14)
  1. Tomac doesn’t even give Savatgy a thank you for the MEC Win! Please put this on your podcast! Peckerhead .com wants to use him as their spokesman!! Please spend less time on him, for there are many deserving riders that should spoken of!

  2. Hey Steve Great Race on Friday! I’ve been trying the promo code for and its not working. Can u help? Keep up the great work dude!

  3. Regarding Barcia, I feel that the AMA and Feld pick on poor Bam Bam. I do agree that a racer shouldn’t take someone out on purpose like Friese did to Braton but isn’t hard close racing and battles where the riders bump into each other all part of racing? If I recall correctly when Friese took Craig out nothing was done or said that much. I’m just getting back into racing and watching supercross/ motocross again after years of being away but I feel the dude gets a bad rap and at least he’s honest about taking someone out. What’s your guys take on it?

  4. Hey Steve, love the show and a consistent listener.
    How about a pod cast with some Michigan boys like Eric Mcclear ( hammer time ) or Jake Marsak.
    Keep up the great work!!!!
    If your every in the Toledo Ohio area let me know and we can head out to a local track (Delta). Or just hang out and talk moto and drink Sleeman cream ale from your Canadian country!!!

    Signed, just another Vet Rider!!! Chow

  5. I got the drop tee for my friend for his birthday and I had to get one for myself. I also got the ethika underwear and shiver me timbers!… they feel amazing. As someone who has only purchased a multi pack from a big box store for like $20 I was skeptical they were worth the price. Well I have never felt such luxurious material. I am a believer.

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