Thanks to everyone that wrote these and read these!
We get lots of clicks on, almost two million this year and we thank you people for that. We’re not going to be THE go-to website for you guys but hopefully you appreciate you can get all the content I produce here, some original think pieces from Swizcore, Blazier’s retro stuff and Keefer’s hard core tests. We’ve got a nice niche in the moto industry and we know it. Here are the most clicked on stories this past year. Poor Moser…
1- Mike Brown Debacle at Loretta’s
Keefer: This was an article I wanted to write as soon as I saw there were people pissed off at Mike Brown for racing the plus 40 and plus 25 classes at Loretta’s. The guy is a racer and was well within all the rules at Loretta’s so why are you pissed at him? If you are pissed when you go to line up and see Mike Brown, go over and talk to him about it, I am sure he would respond nicely! Let’s face it in today’s world people always want to bitch and complain first before they find out the facts. Sadly, it’s just the nature of our society nowadays. I think it is bad ass to line up with your motocross idols/heroes and be able to bro down with them so to speak. In what other sport can you do battle with the guys you grew up watching on TV? Mike Brown kicked my ass and everyone else’s that week and I for one think it was bad ass! Am I bummed that I didn’t win? Of course! But this makes me want to try harder for a better result next year! Did I say next year? Oh shit, don’t tell Heather!
Matthes: This story was written mid-August and our cut off for rankings was Dec 15th so it really didn’t get a ton of chance to get clicks but what did happen with it was it was shared on FB over and over again. And for the record, I can’t agree more with Keefer on his topic and shake my head at those people that got pissed Mike and other pros were racing them.
2- The History of Kawasaki Motocross 1963-2016
Blazier: I have to admit, it is cool to see the Kawasaki KX history article finally got its due. Last year, it missed the cut in favor of my similar Honda MX history installments. I have no idea why the KX one was so popular in 2017, when no one cared about it in 2016, but such is the fickle heart of the reading public.
Even though these articles are super time consuming to research and put together, I do really enjoy doing them and am happy to see they are reaching an audience out there on the interwebs. I still have Yamaha and Suzuki to do and hopefully I can find time to put them together in 2018.
Matthes: In years past we just did the stories that originated in the year the story came out but this year we switched it up a bit to include all stories and for some reason, Blaze’s Kawasaki story that he worked his balls off resonated this year and not last. Who knows why? I love these things but I don’t want to ask where the other OEM’s are because they’re so much work,
Swizcore: Let’s be honest, James has made this far too easy with his recluse-type relationship he has created in the Moto-community over the last couple years. James used to be a phenomena due to his incredible charisma, speed, determination and magnetic smile… Now, he’s more like Sasquatch, commonly discussed but never seen.
I took the approach to writing this exactly as I would as if James had asked me to write him and I believe the reason it got a lot of reads is people related to it because we all had these questions and most wanted to offer a sort of thanks and farewell, respectfully if his exit was signed and sealed… just not delivered apparently. Relateability and the headline were the keys to this columns legs.
Matthes: Swiz is a great writer and I bug him about his LOVE of huge headlines.
4- DV on Anaheim 1 and DV on Anaheim 2
Matthes: We have the great David Vuillemin writing columns after each race on our site and they’re hugely popular with you guys because, why wouldn’t they be? The nine-time SX and MX winner doesn’t need the money from us to do this, he doesn’t give a shit about hurting someone’s feelings and he knows his stuff. He’s great to have in our corner and we need to get him up to a Pulpmx Show ASAP.
Matthes: People love two-strokes and I feel that’s a trend that’s not going to slow down anytime soon. This is my third project bike I’ve done and it might have just killed all desire to go forward with any more! It was the biggest pain in the ass, the most expensive (some of that my own doing) and sometimes it mad my angry. But I have to say it’s the trickest one I’ve built so far and looks the coolest. Lots of Tweets, FB shares and comments about this one.
Blazier: This one is a perennial hit with readers and Google searchers and I am glad it continues to pull in the clicks for the PulpMX empire. I actually went back and read this one a little while back while working on a Classic Steel for the 2004 KX250F/RM-Z250 and I have to admit, it still gives me a few chuckles. Some of those bikes were so god-awful and pathetic that you just can’t help but crack a smile at their expense.
Matthes: This one is probably Moto XXX founder Jordan Burns sharing it with his drummer buddies. But seriously it’s a great read as I tracked down people from year to year of a great privateer team and let them tell the story. The highs, the lows and everything in-between is all tackled right here. And by the way, we have a permanent home for the long-form stories on the site so hopefully people can keep discovering them. From the 2001 125MX National battle that Weege and I did to the story of Eleven-10 Mods to MC’s near-perfect ’96 season to the most unlikely Pro Circuit 125SX title.
Blazier: This one made the cut last year as well, and there can be little doubt this has a lot more to due with the popularity of this particular CR than any of my witty prose. Due to the McGrath factor, this is probably the most popular classic bike build in motocross and I think that has a lot to due with the popularity of this particular Classic Steel. Long live the King!
Matthes: The Vegas SX was simply insane and I’m not sure why this wasn’t number 1 as you people would want to know what DV thought of everything. I’m glad that he sided with me though in thinking that Tomac’s attempts at knocking Dungey down wasn’t really going to fly.
10- Swizcorner: You Know Who the Hell I Am?
Swizcore: There’s a trend forming here, well maybe it formed beginning with my first ever Swizcorner. Straight forward truth. I’m not down with Skip Bayless-type wild claims or statements, I just write what I feel and try to find a hook somewhere so it’s not just a boring truth that everyone feels.
Mix in a little Evel Knievel with some salty Chad Reed and you get people interested.
11- Keefer Tested: 2018 Yamaha YZ450F Unveil
Keefer: This came in at only number 10!? Come on people! This was huge news to me and I was so excited to try this sucker out. It wasn’t as good as Travis Preston said it was, but it is still one of my favorite machines to ride. The new Yamaha corners better than the 2017 version and it still has the best engine character out of all the other 450’s out there. Did I mention it has the best stock suspension as well? Well it does. The only negative to me about that whole day was the introduction was at Glen Helen and not Monster Mountain in that heavenly Alabama soil.
Matthes: This was actually I column I wrote for the MX Vice guys and yeah, I’m not surprised. You people love this stuff and I get it. Who’s going to ride where is always something that is touchy to write and talk about and so I feel like I’m one of the only guys who will put it out there. I mean, why not? If it’s a rumor from a good source and make sure to say it’s not for sure, why not put it out there for the public? The teams and riders have to understand that interest is a good thing. It means people care.
13-Point/Counterpoint: The James Stewart Chronicles
Swizcore: This one is pretty old so the fact that it is in the top read stories for 2017 spells out one thing clearly: PEOPLE ARE JONESING FOR JAMES!! They just want to know anything about his plans. C’mon James,the people are starved for some James Stewart… Yup still.
14- Keefer Tested: 2018 450MX Shootout
Keefer: With the help of Steve, I started the Keefer Tested podcast in August and when I did I knew I had to type up a written version of the 2018 450 MX Shootout for all you old geezers out there that refuse to listen to a podcast. I am not going to talk too much crap though because I still love to read through tests/shootouts in written form as well. The Honda CRF450R came through with flying colors and took the top spot in the inaugural Keefer Inc.Testing 450 MX Shootout. I get asked the question “are shootouts even necessary anymore”? My answer is always “yes, it is necessary”. I enjoy shootouts and feel they have a purpose when it comes to consumers making purchasing decisions. If you have a reputable source to get information from and can trust their opinion, a shootout can work into your favor when it does down to figuring out which bike is right for you.
We had over 20 different opinions from a wide range of riders, so it would be easy for you to decide which tester you categorize yourself with. Next year we are going to do something that never has been done. We will be having an east and west shootout, so buckle your seats because we will be breaking new ground and setting the standard on which shootouts should be measured.
15-Classic Steel: 1986 Honda CR250
Blazier: Maybe my favorite looking CR of all time, the 1986 CR250R is another really popular vintage MX project machine. The first year of the HPP motor, cartridge forks and those sexy gold rims. Add that up with the cache of RJ, O’Show and David Bailey, and it is is hard to go wrong. Because of its popularity I am sure many people go looking for information on it and my Classic Steel articles have a lot of info that can be hard to find elsewhere unless you have all the old mags in print. Regardless of whether they are reading for info or entertainment, I am just glad people seem to continue to enjoy the stuff I do.