My dad Tommy got us into racing when we were pretty much in diapers. Except I didn’t really like riding that much, I prefered to play Star Wars…
Did’ja ever wonder what Chris Gosselaar has been up to?
Well, I found out! Little Goose never had that much success over here for the rides that he had but he still put in a good showing for many years…
Send me your questions! We’ll have a mailbag together…
Send your questions to and I’ll try to answer them.
Matthes vs Blair Morgan!
Check out this unintentionally hilarious video and story behind it. Sigh…what could’ve been. LOOK here.
Red Dog- A Career in Pictures.
With Tim Ferry being injured and not busy training or riding, I thought it’d be fun to do this. Plus now he takes my calls. I tracked some old photos down and got him to tell the story. I scanned a…
Want Some Answers? Write me and Get Some!
You know the drill. We’ll try to answer some of them on Friday.
Send me your photos…
Not those kind though. I mean ones of you racing back in the day, scan them, attach a little story and send them to and I’ll put them up under the old ass moto pictures of you. Get on…
A Twenty-Three Minute, Seven Second Conversation with Ron Lechien.
You’re not Ron Lechien. That’s too bad really because the rider who was nicknamed “The Dogger” was one of those guys that was a prodigal son type. Read on…
RIP Prince. We Hardly Knew Ya.
If you want to make a donation in memory of "Purple Rain" Prince, click HERE. But either way, it’s cool.
Want Some More Answers? Write me!
After the incredibly amazing sucess the first week, let’s try this again. Anything you want to know but was afraid to ask your mon or dad.