1902 Articles16 Comments

Excerpt from the DMXS show with Roger DeCoster

I took a lot of heat (some from Tony himself) on THIS story but I like to think that Roger DeCoster backed up alot of what I had to say in it on his appearance on the DMXS radio show…

Some of my Stuff

When I ran those photos of reader Ruben’s stuff he sent in, I started thinking about my stuff that I have here. Then I started thinking that maybe some of you might be interested in my stuff the way I…

I hit the jackpot!

My buddy Trevor hooked me up with this sweet shipment from the motherland.

Trivia Time

Name the two riders.

Mailbag Time!

Hey, you asked so I answered. Thanks to all those that wrote in and sorry for the ones I didn’t get to, this thing’s already 5,000 words!

The Bottom Line Memories

 A couple of years ago I was told that I was going to host a gossip and rumors show at the AMA nationals. It seemed like a good idea and a lot of fun. Davey Coombs wanted to bring the…

Reader Stories Part 2

A while back I asked for reader submissions, anything that you guys wanted to write about was fair game. I got a few, ran one a little while ago and here’s another one. Thanks Frank!

Fifteen Minutes, Forty-Six Seconds with Big Nasty

Last summer on a trip to go race in Canada with Nick Wey, I got to meet and hang out with his practice bike guy Big Nasty. I have no clue what his real name is and I don’t think Nick…

Time for a mailbag!

I want to do one, I need to do one, I have to do one. Send me your questions about moto or really anything for that matter. The best ones will be in here next week. Email address after you…

KTM and Jagermeister MX Team PR

I don’t see the words "Tommy" and "Searle" in this thing at all. Maybe it’s because he’s not of legal age to drink so they can’t talk about him but you’d think there would something in here about Tommy "Gun".

It’s Lammy-palooza!

Got a couple of different things from two-time 125 national champion turned manager Steve Lamson. First a "Tell Us Another Story with Steve (and the guy he’s riding over) and then a "Seventeen Minute, Thirty-Eight Second" Interview with Steve.

Aussie Supercross Photo Report

Thanks to Julian Eyers for sending these shots from the Sydney and Canberra rounds of Reedy’s SX series in.


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