Bercy Blog- Day 2

Here’s my day 2 Bercy Blog. I’m 24 hours behind with this. This was all on Friday…

Nick Wey’s New (Old) Team

Thanks to JGR’s Tim Dixon for this little joke…

Seven Minutes, Thirty-Nine Seconds with Ryan Villopoto

He seemed rather busy at the time but still took the time to talk, what a swell guy.

I’m a Soothsayer!

Thanks to Scott’s John Knowles for reminding me that I’m so smart.

Say What? Got something on your mind?

Something bugging you? Got an opinion on a rider, a track or even how much I suck? Would it be the thrill of a lifetime to get something published on here?

Name the rider, track and year**Updated**

Let’s see how smart you people really are…

Check out Dreamtraxx

I don’t normally post PR’s on this site but Jason Baker is a friend of mine and builds some sweet-ass tracks (or maybe it’s traxxs?) so I thought I’d throw this up here.

Jeff Emig in ’88

Got this letter from a Jeff Emig podcast listener.

The Best Supercross Riders of the 90’s!

 Since the “Greatest Supercross Riders of the 80’s” was such a hit, I decided to do one for the 90’s as well as the Y2K’s. Hard to believe that we’re through a decade already here in the ‘00’s, it seems…

Ad of the Week

Thanks to Matt for sending this in.

The Best Supercross Riders of the 80’s!

 Inspired by the Swedish dude Magnus’s Euro rider 1980’s column right HERE, I decided to do my own figuring of who would be the greatest American supercross riders of the 80’s.


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