Here’s my day 2 Bercy Blog. I’m 24 hours behind with this. This was all on Friday…
Seven Minutes, Thirty-Nine Seconds with Ryan Villopoto
He seemed rather busy at the time but still took the time to talk, what a swell guy.
Say What? Got something on your mind?
Something bugging you? Got an opinion on a rider, a track or even how much I suck? Would it be the thrill of a lifetime to get something published on here?
Check out Dreamtraxx
I don’t normally post PR’s on this site but Jason Baker is a friend of mine and builds some sweet-ass tracks (or maybe it’s traxxs?) so I thought I’d throw this up here.
The Best Supercross Riders of the 90’s!
Since the “Greatest Supercross Riders of the 80’s” was such a hit, I decided to do one for the 90’s as well as the Y2K’s. Hard to believe that we’re through a decade already here in the ‘00’s, it seems…
The Best Supercross Riders of the 80’s!
Inspired by the Swedish dude Magnus’s Euro rider 1980’s column right HERE, I decided to do my own figuring of who would be the greatest American supercross riders of the 80’s.