The sticky to the right..past the BTO Sports ad (please click on that and buy something, it’ll help me feed my foster dogs. Tugs right at your heart huh?) and check out the first entry.
Steel City is the best track ever…
Just think, this is the very first thing that everyone sees upon entering the track.
An Honest Look at the 250 Motocross Class Points
This should be fun. Hang on and check it out. Thanks to CStone for the shots
Jason Lawrence- A Year in Jail!
Wow, I guess we knew it was coming. I suppose I wouldn’t have shown up at Steel City either if I had this to face. Along with 363 days (2 for time served already) he also gets three years probation…
The Steel City Slugfest- A Story in Pictures.
Chances are you weren’t at Steel City this past weekend. Well, after reading this, consider yourself to have basically been there. Go ahead and even tell your buddies you went. Thanks to The Stoneman for the pics.
The Southwick Slaughter…A Story in Pictures.
Here we go, some shots and info from a wild race at MX338. Thanks to Stone for the shots.
Twelve Minutes, Fourteen Seconds with Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne is a good dude. He tries hard, is a great rider and does everything on and off the track the right way. He’s an Australian that has come to America and adopted his new country. He’s engaged to…
Ad of the Week.**Updated**
Those 1988 RM 250’s were known to be just killers. Too bad for this guy he didn’t get the memo. UPDATED–This guy is desperate as he placed an ad on another site..even funnier.
Georke and his pants.
Weege is going to try and post this first but truly, I noticed it before he did. My only recourse to beat him to the punch is to post this picture here. Too bad for me, RXI probably gets more…
Seven Minutes and Thirty-Two Seconds with Chad Reed
The champ speaks after the race and amazingly enough, he doesn’t tell me to get lost.
A Story about Fireman Ron
Any regular reader of mine would know that I often include a friend of mine, Fireman Ron, into my stories and travels. He’s about eight years older than me but it seems that mentally, we’re on the same wavelength. He’s…