The Bikes That Changed Motocross

Tony Blazier contributes what he thinks are some of the bikes that changed the sport of motocross in this essay.


Did Mookie and Bogle Deserve Fines?

Swizcorner- Dallas

Lots of anger in Dallas and it all started with a member of the TV crew getting RV his headset…

A King’s Departure- By Paul Quesnel

Looking back at that day one could say it was the end of one era, and the beginning of a new. A true changing of the guard.

250 East Preview

Over on, I preview the 250 east series.

Classic Commentary 24: 1996 Anaheim

Ping and I sit down to comment on the scientifically-proven, “Fastest Whoop Blitz in History”. David Pingree was one of the hottest young up and comers in 1996. On the powerful Pro Circuit Kawasaki team and in the lead early…

Observations from San Diego

Everything I saw in San Diego was written down and dispensed over at Racer X.

Just Short 2012 A2

“Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale’s vagina”

Point/CounterPoint: Will Justin Bogle Win a SX Race this Season?

At least he still has that voice and the rest of the Backstreet Boys.

Rivalries, Dirty Riding & that First Glorious Beginner Class Win

Everyone loves a good rivalry, and there are certainly some great ones in professional sports. Racer X’s Aaron Hansel explains.

Swizcorner- Saan Dieaago

Jumping through the whoops is always fodder for fast guys to make fun of and last night, the skimmers had lots of targets for those snipes.

The Blue Crew

What’s going on with Yamaha and the YZ450F?


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