250 National Box Scores

Thanks to MX Sports for taking the stats to a new level this year, check these out from over a course of 24 motos

Observations from Pala

Lots and lots of super important things happened at Pala this past weekend, go over to TWMX to read all about them. Link after the jump

Podcast Transcription: Roger DeCoster

The podcast interview I did with Roger DeCoster last week was a pretty good look at everything that has to do with his move from Suzuki to KTM. Here, for those that don’t like listening to those things is the…

Matthes Classic Podcasts Up on iTunes

From the ashes of all the old Racer X and Racer X Canada podcast shows, here is over 80 older shows to go back and listen to. There are some real classics in here folks. Link after the jump.

Steel City Observations

Check it out over at Transworld Motocross. Thanks to those that read it and maybe even like it a bit.

Windham, Pelligrino, Ellis and Reed Pulpmx Show Archive Up!

Thanks to KW and Reed for calling in, we had a jam packed show with lots of info and laughs. Link after the jump.

Observations from Southwick

Check out everything I had to say about Southwick in the BTOSports.com Observations from Southwick after the jump.

Pulpmx Show with Langston, Hill, Preston and T Alessi Archive Up!

Thanks for listening last night, we went a little long but listening to us debate on who could beat who up was well worth it. Link after the jump.

Tell Us a Story, Timmy Ferry and Lee McCollum

I go back into the time machine and ask Ferry and his mechanic that year to tell me about a picture.

Mailbag Time!

Here are real live emails from real listeners/readers. We touch on Jenna Haze, Houston 2005, KTM and some other things. Use the contact form to send your thoughts in.

Pulpmx Show with W Hahn, Haze and Phil Lawrence Archive

Thanks to the listeners and special thanks to our guests on a great show. Link after the jump.

Classic Commentary 9: 1997 Vegas

The championship winning mechanic from that night, Jeremy Albrecht, fills us in on what was going on at the 1997 Las Vegas SX Thanks for watching these things. This race is the final round of the ’97 supercross series and…


PulpMX exists as an informed, fan-driven Pro Motocross and Supercross site where objective editorial and entertaining racing-centric discourse flourish.