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Just Short Vol.4 #7

This week, Moser talks to “Filthy Phil”, who might have the inside scoop on the 250 rider who came up Just Short.  In addition, he talks to the 450 rider known for his high-five fail. 

Just Short Vol.4 #6

Team Chizz passes on some great advice to his 250 counter part, Bryce Stewart, who also came up Just Short in Arlington.

Just Short Vol.4 #5

This week, Weisbruch and Josh Hill didnā€™t get into the “Whales Vagina”, (so to speak), they came up Just Short.  

Just Short Vol.4 #5

Each year there seems to be a ā€œJust Shortā€ curse. 

Just Short Vol.4 #4

It’s another round of Just Short with everyone’s favorite sassy Brit.

Just Short Vol.4 #3

Get to know Mr. Howell and Mr. Oldenburg in this week’s Just Short; two riders looking to make an impact in the Lites class.

Just Short Vol.4 #2 *(Part 2)

The last installment of this week’s Just Short is in.  

Moservations – Phoenix SX 2015

I went to Phoenix with a bunch of buddies.  Here are 29 highlights (or lowlights) from the weekend:

Just Short Vol.4 #2 *(Part 1)

When you cant get ahold of the riders you need, don’t give up!  Contact their “better” halves…

Just Short Vol.4 #1

Iā€™m back againā€¦and by popular demand for my 4th year of Just Short!  Itā€™s hard to believe and demonstrates how desperate Steve is for content.

Shorty’s: FRO

Moser took a few moments from filling Christmas card envelopes with glitter to text Jeff Emig.

THE Shorty

Moser & Shorty… 2 peas in a pod (or least that what Moser wants for Christmas this year). 


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