This week, Moser talks to “Filthy Phil”, who might have the inside scoop on the 250 rider who came up Just Short. In addition, he talks to the 450 rider known for his high-five fail.
Scott Motosports: DV934 on Atlanta 1 SX
Lots to talk about when it comes to ‘Lanta 1–here’s Vuillemin’s take on it
Fifteen Minutes With…Joel Smets
We spoke to the friendly and chatty Belgian about the pre-season preparation and to find out his take on the upcoming GP season.
Rookie Report Card: Arlington
An analysis and grading of the five rookies who made their debuts in Arlington.
Just Short Vol.4 #6
Team Chizz passes on some great advice to his 250 counter part, Bryce Stewart, who also came up Just Short in Arlington. Observations from Dallas SX
Here’s all the info from the AT&T spaceship in Dallas