Some random thoughts on random topics over on Check it out…
GP Classic Steel #18 – 1989 ATK 604E
This week’s selection from Greg Primm’s Classic Steel is the Ferrari of eighties thumpers, the ground pounding 1989 ATK 604E.
Shortcomings Vol 7
Our man Moser reports on those riders whose Millville didn’t quite go their way.
Observations from Millville
Everything that I saw at Millville is all right here- or there I suppose.
@Moto Twitter Stats
PulpMX reader Levi Gilchrist put together this interesting look at the Social media side of our sport. He even took notes and made a graph! Fun stuff.
Swizcorner- Millville ’12
So much has happened in the sport since a year ago when my entire Swizcorner Millville column was spent chronicling Chad Reed’s legendary ejection and inspiring ride following the crash.
GP’s Classic Steel #17 – 1981 Honda CR250R
This week’s selection from Greg Primm’s Classic Steel is Honda’s first water-pumper, the 1981 CR250R.
The Old Guard
This week over on, I talk about the old guys coming out to race.
Shortcomings Vol 6
Our man Moser tells us about a couple of riders that came up Just Short at Redbud
Observations from RedBud
I went to Redbud and this is what I observed over at the Bud de Red.
Pulpmx Point/Counterpoint
Tony Blazier and myself debate which is the best supercross race of all-time, Atlanta 1990 or Anaheim 1986?
Swizcorner- Red Bud ’12
Round 6. The best dirt, an addictively fun layout, big air and sweltering heat… it’s Reddddd Budddddd!!!