Plenty to talk about from Atlanta 1.
Rookie Report Card: Arlington
An analysis and grading of the five rookies who made their debuts in Arlington.
Just Short Vol.4 #6
Team Chizz passes on some great advice to his 250 counter part, Bryce Stewart, who also came up Just Short in Arlington. Observations from Dallas SX
Here’s all the info from the AT&T spaceship in Dallas
Scott Motosports: DV934 on Dallas SX
Here is what former AMA SX & MX winner David Vuillemin thinks about Dallas
Swizcorner: “Next Level”
Typically when someone has reached the level of elitism, it’s more a matter of management than tactile improvement.
Dungey, Reed, Hampshire & Nicoletti Interviews
Some key players talk about their night in Dallas
Scog Blog: Glory Finds the Humble
Glory is a fleetiing notion that we all wish to capture as our own.